2022/03/11 09:01:45
產品 |
公布前兩小時內 (北京時間凌晨12點) |
現貨黃金 |
10美元 |
現貨白銀 |
0.5美元 |
1. 公司有機會按市場的流動性適當地調整各交易產品的買賣差價,因此即使客戶採用鎖倉的對沖方法,在調整後帳戶凈值及保證金比例亦會因此而受到影響,有機會因差價擴大而被強制平倉。
2. 當客戶帳戶的保證金比例為20%時,系統會從虧損最多的交易單開始強制平倉,直至保證金比例回到20%以上。當價格波動大時,有可能在低於20%的保證金比例強制平倉。
3. 由於數據公布其間,價格波動會異常激烈,客人交易時,所成交之價格,可能與要求價格有所差異,請客戶注意有關風險。而本公司一直不鼓勵投資者於重要數據公布其間投資過度進取,導致不必要的損失。
4. 請各位尊貴的客戶多加關注帳戶內的資金狀況,如有需要,請盡快做好資金調動安排,以避免因市場波動而出現資金不足的情況。
Dear Customers,
The Fed FOMC announcement will be released at 02:00 (Beijing time) on 17 March 2022 (Thursday). The trading prices of the financial market might have hectic fluctuation due to the data announcement. Hence, our company will only accept orders (including entry, gain profit and stop loss) with below market prices difference within 2 hours before the data announcement:
Product |
Two hours before the announcement (00:00 Beijing Time) |
Spot Gold |
US$ 10.00 |
Spot Silver |
US$ 0.50 |
1. The Company might adjust the product spreads according to volatile market situation. After adjustment, the equity and margin requirement ratio will hence be affected. For those customers who hedged their positions, this might in turn causing liquidation due to the widen market spreads.
2. When the margin ratio of customer trading account equals 20%, the system will begin liquidation starting from the largest single loss position until the margin ratio back to 20%. During market volatility, it is possible that positions will be forced to close out at less than 20% margin requirement level.
3. During the period of announcement, market prices may have hectic fluctuation. Customers should aware that they may not have their orders being executed at the originally requested price and shall be liable to any consequential risk. The Company does not encourage customers from over-investing during the period of data announcement to avoid unnecessary losses.
4. Please pay attention to your trading account and make prior arrangement of fund remittances, if necessary, to avoid insufficient funds due to market fluctuation.
For any queries, please call our 24 Hours Customer Service Center. Thank you for your attention.